About Us

A Word From Our Founder

Jansen Yeng Weng Oon

Dearest investors,
I have been in business since 1996, my first job being a salesperson of spare parts for industrial machinery. And although I was not as eloquent at the time, I was fortunate to establish cooperative working relationships with various government departments and listed companies, a credit to my work ethic, grit, and authenticity.

Pandemic Panic Spares No Dream

After more than ten years I too started my own business, co-founding a machinery spare parts company with my wife that grew steadily and performed well. Just as I thought my life was right on track, this sudden pandemic would disrupt the trajectory of my life, at the same time allowing me to understand fully that good times never last forever.

Opportunities in Crisis

During the MCO period, many large factories closed down suddenly, and the spare parts industry would eventually follow suit. After much consideration, we had to cut our losses and with a heavy heart, pull the plug on our enterprise. Yet, I thought perhaps this was a divine caution against my complacency and my choice to stay in my comfort zone. I was reminded that in every crisis there are opportunities, laying dormant, only to be discovered by the brave and industrious.

In this transition period, I came across mortgage auctions by chance, and from there began developing a keen interest in the real estate industry. We set aside our pride from years of business experience, started from scratch, and held the mentality of novices, participating in different workshops everywhere, and humbly asked industry leaders for advice.

Switching Gears Back to The Starting Line

As I bid farewell to the days of being a boss, I then went on to work in various real estate companies as a clerk or a junior salesman. Yet, our purpose remained very clear us. Years of life experience tells us, “You reap what you sow.”; Hard work and persistence will always yield results. And our goal was to gather a large amount of industry knowledge and experience within the shortest time period, hence motivating us to work 10, 20, sometimes even 100 times harder than our younger colleagues.

Vision & Mission

Our Goal :

To be the top real estate coordination agency in the industry

Our Vision :

Pursue excellence from real estate companies, build trustworthy intermediary services, and safeguard the interests of customers, investors, partners and the community.

Our Mission :

➊  Provide the best agency consulting services to help customers make accurate judgments upon complex real estate information and ensure customers continue to earn passive income

➋  Empowering real estate agents, driving competitive sales, and improving their standard of living.

➌  Aid tenants in finding the most suitable residence according to their own budget and needs, to live in a worry-free, high-quality community.

Core Values :

We have a team of real estate agents with solid knowledge and experience, who are not only familiar with the real estate industry, but also understand the unique nature and nuance of their community. With extensive social and legal knowledge, we can help clients find tailor-made real estate investment tools.
Every act undertaken by our agents is indicative of our company’s corporate culture. Should our clients be disinterested in real estate, our approach will be rooted in professionalism and sincerity to help every consumer who seeks to understand the potential of real estate investments, establishing good customer relationships, all according to our “patience and compassion” approach to customer relations and the belief that “Friendships always precede business”
Our real estate agents cooperate with each other in the sales process and team members work together to optimize sales and after-sales services, to ensure that customers can enjoy first-class intermediary services in every stage, and to ensure that the sales closing rates continues to grow.
In addition to mastering the necessary professional knowledge, our brokerage team must possess professional ethics, be honest and trustworthy, capable of establishing trusted relationships with our customers, and live up to the high expectations of investors and the public.
We take care to ensure every client arrives at their decision to invest in real estate only after the most comprehensive advice and considerations have been put before them. We hold our clients’ autonomy with the highest regard, providing only the most in-depth consultation and the best analyses to help them achieve their dreams.