Why Invest Us

Why Investing In Strategy Winner Is The Best Choice For You

We are a conscientious and valuable real estate agency Conscientiousness supports professional ethics while value drives growth of the enterprise. STRATEGY WINNER aspires to empower high-quality developers and create value for the community. More importantly, we want to provide consumers with authentic and pragmatic real estate agency services. Our primary directive is to ensure our clients are able to generate passive income.

Despite the sluggish market in the post-pandemic era, Malaysia’s real estate industry is still making steady progress. What’s more, in times of inflation, real estate will be a popular investment and appreciation tool. Coupled with favorable factors such as population and employment rate increase, Malaysia’s real estate industry has great potential for development. Shelter is our basic need, and everyone is our potential customer or tenant

We summed up the success formula from our sales experience, “Quality Customers + Prime Real Estate = good rental housing ecology + efficient and reasonable return”, we are also ready to broaden the application of the formula and teach it to real estate brokers or coordinators, so that they can accurately identify high-quality customers, and screen for “Goldilocks” property assets, helping our clients maximize return on investment.

The operations team cooperates seamlessly with each other. Coupled with strong execution, we have grown rapidly in just one year, and have successfully cooperated with more than ten developers in the Klang Valley area and obtained sales exclusivity for many development
projects with high returns and potential for appreciation. The management dream team has repeatedly worked miracles.

To keep up with the ever-changing market trends, we will continue to improve our ability to inspect and analyze real estate assets. Firstly emphasizing quality, then pursue quantity. Only then can we rectify the chaos in the industry and provide the best consulting services
to consumers to restore consumers’ confidence in real estate.

We modernized the cultivation of sales talents, abandoning the rigid training based on test structures. On the contrary, we teach students in accordance to their aptitude, provide training in stages, and guide newcomers in each sales segment, that they may find their interests and sales edge. We prefer to concentrate on cultivating the professionalism of salespersons, rather than playing outside legal rules via loopholes.

We abandoned the low-efficiency work mode that spreads agents thin, providing agents with a clear division of labor where each is responsible for the segments they are good at, and cooperate closely to maximize work efficiency. From the cold-call to the end of the
transaction, clients will go through this well-oiled machine uninterrupted, with the most professional information and the most friendly etiquette.

We have provided basic salaries for our sales team, built a transparent and efficient commission system, and set up an internal reward and well-being system to ensure that the company’s employees or sales staff are in a healthy state of mind and body, which not only strengthens our talent attraction, increases work efficiency, and bolsters the company’s reputation.

We are not worried about competition in the industry. An industry should include multiple parties to promote healthy competition and to maintain the “blood circulation” of the industry. Moreover the housing market is huge, and different agencies have different potential customer pools. Even if there are multiple sellers on the same property, a problem does not arise. We care more about the return on investment of our clients and the well-being of our realtors than about other people’s sales.

Bold financing strategy, but careful and steady development of our growth roadmap. By taking professional certification as the first step, IPO as the next milestone, recruiting top soldiers to our team, becoming a reliable sales arm for developers and investors, and constantly improving ourselves, we are well on our way to become an evergreen and excellent real estate brokerage company.

The market’s emphasis on ESG (environmental, social, and governance) continues to increase, and consumers are no longer merely buying goods or services, but seeking a sense of identity. Consumers are concerned about whether companies have good ESG management and fulfill their responsibilities as social entities. A dynamic strategy not only promotes the growth of the real estate industry, drives the value of the property, and promotes the development of the business, but also promotes our corporate philosophy for better living.

We have taken precautions to face up to corporate risks, utilizing robust risk management frameworks and responsible corporate governance to ensure growth and protect the interests of investors and customers.